S Runjun kumari

Full Name | S Runjun kumari |
Father Name | Guddu singh |
Gender | Female |
Date of Birth | 08/08/2011 |
Phone Number | ********** |
Current Class | 9th Grade |
Enrollment Class | |
Academic Year | 2024 |
Previous Class Total Marks | 500 |
School Name | ZPP High School Rachagunneri |
School Address | ZPHS RACHAGUNNERI, SRIKALAHASTI MD, Tirupathi DT, 517641 |
Village Name | Racha gunneri |
Previously Obtained Scholarship | No |
Nominator/Mentor | Girija Hm |
Nominator Phone Number | 9989008527 |
Anybody Sponsored | NO |
Request / Letters (Arjeee): | No |
Marks Statement: | No |
Certificates/Awards/Progress Cards | No |
Please Contact Administrator For Below Docs |
Income Certificate: | Yes |
Ration Card / AAdhar Card Of Father/Mother: | Yes |